
Tokyo Tango - Mademoiselle CINEMA

東京タンゴ -マドモアゼル・シネマ2011旅するダンス
TOKYO TANGO -Mademoiselle Cinema- travelling dance

【夏編 Summer Ver.】
2011/8/20(sat) 19:00
session-house, kagurazaka
158 Yaraicho,Shinjukuku,Tokyo

Choreography by:Naoko Ito/伊藤直子
dance::Jean Laurent Sasportes/ジャン・ローラン・サスポーテス
Mademoiselle CINEMA are/マドモアゼル・シネマ
Tamami Takenoshita/竹之下たまみ,Maiko Date/伊達麻衣子,Nao Ohshima/大島菜央,Maya Ito/伊藤茉野,Sayaka Sasaki/佐々木さやか,Azusa Tokunaga/徳永梓,Sayuri Fukuoka/福岡小百合
Chiaki Noguchi/野口千明
Sawako Fujita/藤田佐和子(pf)

ticket: Adv/前売:3500yen Adv for student/前売(学生):2500yen Door/当日4000yen

【冬編 Winter Ver.】
2011/12/24(sat) 19:00 12/25(sun)14:00/18:00
session-house, kagurazaka
158 Yaraicho,Shinjukuku,Tokyo

dance:Yasuyo Omoto/尾本安代、Mademoiselle CINEMA/マドモアゼル・シネマ,Taiju Matsumoto/松本大樹,Sawako Fujita/藤田佐和子(pf)

賛成か? 反対か?

むかしむかしあるところに、変えるの王様が住んでいました。王様の国の湖には白鳥がいました。その美しい姿をみて、王様は思いつきました。“夢のように美しい村を作ろう”と。・・・そして「ポアント条例」が出されました。王様の命を受け、村長さんは村民に伝えます。「生後3ヶ月から88歳の誕生日までいかなるときもポアント(トウシューズ)を履くこと!」 生まれて初めて履くトウシューズに、村民は汗と涙の大騒動・・・そして4年の歳月が経ち・・・


Are you Agree? or Disagree?

[notes from 2005]
This piece is based on a story in which a law is enacted requiring all citizens aged between three months and 88 years to wear toe shoes all the time. At first they seem to enjoy wearing toe shoes but as days gone by, they find out how hard and painful to wear toe shoes all the time. The mayor performed by Jean Sasportes) sees the citizens (Mademoiselle cinema dancers) suffering trouble and gives a referendum to the residents ( the audience) whether this law should be continued or not.
The result is up to the audience. The serious challenge of the contemporary dancers who are not used to dancing on toe shoes provokes smile and laughter from the audience.
Jean Laurent Sasportes is known as one of the most important dancers of our time. He has spent much of his artistic life working with the Tanztheatre Wuppertal, the most important modern dance company in Europe.
Jean Sasportes was born in Casablanca. In 1979, he became a solo dancer in the Pina Bausch company. Danced in all repertory pieces through most of almost all important events around the world. In 1996, he became an independent dancer, choreographer and teacher. He performs as guest soloist with the Pina Bausch company for the repertory pieces. He also works regularly with the director Yoshi Oida for theater plays and operas directing and choreographing and later on, as choreographer as well as actor.

Session House Planning Office
158 Yaraicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo,162-0805, JAPAN
TEL.+81(0)3-3266-0461 FAX.+81(0)3-3266-0772
E-mail : takashi@session-house.net
URL : www.session-house.net
  EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee


Strong Stoic Strawberry Show --Is Your Dance Need Now...13--

ダンスがみたい 13 - ストロングストイックストロベリーショー
strong stoic strawberry show --is your dance need now...13--
@die pratze, 神楽坂

07/26 open 19:00 start 19:30
07/27 open 14:30 start 15:00 : open 19:00 start 19:30

choreography by:yukio tomino/富野幸緒
dance:yukio tomino/富野幸緒,chiaki noguchi/野口千明,yoko niwa/丹羽洋子,noelle tanaka/田中ノエル,keiko ogawa/小川圭子,yurika nakahara/中原百合香

die pratze, 神楽坂
2-12 nishi gokencho shinjuku
tokyo japan

ask info:info@yukiotomino.com